All the manuscript will be preliminarily examined by the Editor-in-Chief and then forwarded to the Reviewers & other Editors of the Journal. The papers shall only be published after recommendation of the Reviewers & Associate Editors.
Information regarding the selection or rejection of articles/papers will be only through Email. The journal shall publish the article/papers only after completion of the formalities mentioned in the selection letter.
The journal will not take the responsibility of returning the rejected articles.
At every stage of preceding publication, the editors of the journal shall have the right to make corrections (if needed) in articles/papers to suit the requirement of the journal.
a) Article or Research Papers must be preceded with abstracts written in English within 250 words.
b) The minimum length requirement for the paper is 2500 words
c) There should be at least 5 well-chosen keywords included in the articles/papers.
d) Humanities scholars may use the MLA format, while Social Science scholars may use the APA format for their Bibliographies.
e) Editors reserve the right to make corrections or changes, if s/he perceives it necessary for publication.
f) The paper will only be accepted after it has been reviewed and approved by the reviewer(s).
Review Process
The review process involves a tripartite co-ordination involving the Chief Editor, Section Editors and Subject Experts (Reviewers) from different institutions and organizations. Each of these personnel has a distinct role to play in the review process. A paper has to pass through all of the above cited three phases for publication. In short, a paper is published only after attaining due recommendation of the Editor-in-Chief, Section Editor/s and the concerned Subject Expert who has reviewed the paper Information regarding the selection or rejection of articles/papers will be only through Email. The journal shall publish the articles/papers only after completion of the formalities
mentioned in the selection letter. The journal will also not take the responsibility of returning the rejected articles. After acceptance and completion of formalities regarding publication, the journal will have the right to make amendments (if needed) in the articles/papers to suit the requirement of the journal.
The authors are sole responsible for the opinions/comments expressed in the articles/papers. The members of the Editorial Board/Reviewer or publishers of ‘SAHAKARA SPANDANA’ do not take the responsibility of the opinions/comments made by the authors. In case of plagiarism also absolute responsibility lies with the author.